Resistance Band Exercises for Beginners: Get Fit Anywhere (2024)

Full Body Resistance Band Workout: The Ultimate Guide Reading Resistance Band Exercises for Beginners: Get Fit Anywhere 7 minutes Next Strengthen Your Chest with These 4 Resistance Band Workouts

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If this is your first time working out with resistance bands, then it is crucial that you follow the right techniques to derive the maximum benefit from your exercise regime. For this, you need to understand how a resistance band works.

A resistance band is a lightweight and portable elastic band that induces muscle contractions which in turn builds strength. These elastic bands are highly versatile and can be used to build strength, prevent injuries, and provide low-impact benefits.

Resistance bands come in different sizes and levels so picking the correct type is crucial to accomplishing your goals. They are used by professional athletes to enhance performance and are a great tool for physical therapists to use in rehab and prehab. These bands are available in different colors, indicating the level of resistance they offer.

Why should beginners use resistance bands?

Resistance bands are a great tool for beginners since they are low impact and rely on variable resistance so you can easily control the amount of weight you are using by stretching the band. This reduces the risk of injury and allows you to slowly build strength without providing too much tension. Additionally, resistance bands are extremely versatile and one band can be used for total body workouts.

The versatility makes them eligible for weight loss, lower body workouts, and core strength training. Among the most common benefits of using resistance bands are the following:

  • Increased physical strength and stamina
  • Improved balance and posture
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Boosted psychological
  • Enhanced bone strength

Here are some of the best resistance band exercises for beginners

1. Banded Front Squat

Resistance Band Exercises for Beginners: Get Fit Anywhere (1)

    • With your feet hip-width apart stand in the middle of the resistance band while maintaining a firm grip on both ends of the resistance band.
    • Stretch the resistance band by bending your arms and bringing your hands to your ears. Lift the elbows and bring the triceps parallel to the floor.
    • This is your starting position. Now engage your core, bend your knees, bringing your hips down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
    • Return to the starting position by pressing through your feet to extend the legs.

    2. Bicep curl

    Resistance Band Exercises for Beginners: Get Fit Anywhere (2)

    • Take the starting position by standing at the center of the resistance band with your feet hip-width apart.
    • Holding handles firmly, slightly bend your knees, and pull your abs in to engage the core.
    • Keep your upper arms steadily glued to the sides, and pull the band upward towards the shoulders into a bicep curl.
    • Slowly release the band to take the starting position.

    3. Seated row

    Resistance Band Exercises for Beginners: Get Fit Anywhere (3)

    • With your legs laid out straight in front, sit on the floor and keep your back straight.
    • Wrap the resistance bands across the bottom of your feet, maintaining a firm grip on the handles.
    • Keep your abs in to engage the core and keep your back straight. Pull the resistance band towards your chest in a slow and controlled motion.
    • Release the band slowly to return to the starting position.

    Check out this detailed guide on how to do resistance band rows.

    4. Kickstand Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift

    Regular deadlifts are challenging. For beginners, it is hard to maintain a good posture doing a deadlift, which is why a kickstand single-leg Romanian deadlift is better. It’s a great resistance band full-body exercise for beginners.

    Resistance Band Exercises for Beginners: Get Fit Anywhere (4)


    • Stand with feet staggered, right foot firm on the ground, left foot backward, resting on the ball of your feet.
    • Loop the resistance band around the right foot with the other end in your left hand.
    • Keeping the back straight, hinge forward, pushing hips back. Then return to the starting position while maintaining the tension on the band the entire time.
    • Complete around 45 seconds of rep on one side before switching to the other side.

    5. Abduction

    Resistance Band Exercises for Beginners: Get Fit Anywhere (5)


    • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
    • Wrap the resistance band around the thighs, maintaining enough tension in the band.
    • Gradually lower down into the half-squat position. (It might be difficult to keep your back straight in this position; you can lean inwards slightly, but not so much as to free your core)
    • Press your right knee outwards a few inches to keep your feet firm on the ground. Then return to the starting position.
    • Repeat the same with the left knee to complete one rep.

    A balanced resistance band workout plan for beginners

    It is crucial that you learn proper techniques as a beginner while using resistance bands. Start with moderate-strength resistance bands and follow this 5-day total body resistance band workout plan tailor-made for beginners. As you start to gain strength, you can increase the repetitions.If you want custom programs tailored to you, check out the LIT Method Androidand iOS app for a 30-day free trial.

    Day 1: Upper Body

    • Bicep curls- 4 sets of 10 reps
    • Kickstand Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift: 2 sets of 40 reps
    • Seated row: 4 sets of 10 reps

    Day 2: Lower Body

    • Banded Front Squat – 2 sets of 20 reps
    • Abduction– 2 sets of 10 reps

    Day 3: Rest

    Day 4: Cardio and Core

    • For cardio, you can include rowing, swimming, or cycling to the routine.
    • Seated row: 4 sets of 10 reps
    • Kickstand Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift: 2 sets of 40 reps

    Day 5: Rest

    Try the LIT AXISsmart resistance bands

    Resistance Band Exercises for Beginners: Get Fit Anywhere (6)

    The beginner's resistance band workouts listed above are excellent for low-impact full-body resistance band workouts. However, with traditional resistance bands, it can be challenging to keep track of the load and resistance.


    Accurate monitoring of these metrics is critical to measure your progress. That is why we have innovated and built an intelligent resistance training system theLIT AXIS.

    Resistance Band Exercises for Beginners: Get Fit Anywhere (7)

    LIT Axis smart resistance bands have built-in sensors to monitor your movements accurately, measure the resistance and load, and detect muscle imbalance in real time, ensuring you maintain the proper form. Connected to your smartphone, you can monitor your reps, time under tension, resistance loads, and much more.

    Learn more aboutLIT Axis and startdoing resistance band exercisestoday.

    Watch a 1-Minute Demo of LIT AXIS with our Co-Founder Taylor


    Without a doubt, resistance band workouts are best to train as a beginner. Exercising with resistance bands provides flexibility to increase tension as your muscle adaptation increases. This builds strength through progressive load while keeping the risk of injury minimum.

    Resistance bands alone are sufficient for a full-body workout for beginners but it is always better to seek guidance from a trained instructor when starting any workout. At LIT, you get access to thousands of live and on-demand classes from world-class coaches with a bunch of modules specifically dedicated to using resistance bands for Pilates and strength training. Sign up for a LIT Axis Class today!

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    Resistance Band Exercises for Beginners: Get Fit Anywhere (2024)


    Resistance Band Exercises for Beginners: Get Fit Anywhere? ›

    It's a great resistance band full-body exercise for beginners. Stand with feet staggered, right foot firm on the ground, left foot backward, resting on the ball of your feet. Loop the resistance band around the right foot with the other end in your left hand. Keeping the back straight, hinge forward, pushing hips back.

    Can you get in shape with just resistance bands? ›

    Not a Full Workout On Their Own

    Resistance bands are an excellent addition to any fitness training program. But they don't serve as a replacement for weights. They are meant to supplement your resistance/strength training because they work muscles that you don't use as often as your larger muscle groups.

    How long does it take to get in shape with resistance bands? ›

    The amount of time it takes to build muscle using resistance bands depends on a number of factors, including your starting fitness level, your diet, and your training routine. However, most people can expect to see noticeable results within 4 to 8 weeks of regular training.

    Can you transform your body with resistance bands? ›

    Resistance bands are a sneaky good tool to help you transform your physique, which is why we have 10 of the best resistance band exercises to tone your body. But why are resistance bands "sneaky good?" They're an extremely underrated (and unassuming) tool to help you sculpt an amazing body and change your physique.

    Can you get a flat stomach with resistance bands? ›

    Resistance bands are effective in losing that belly fat and strengthening the core. Strengthening the core and burning excess fat helps boost your confidence and improves the shape of your body, along with bodily balance and mobility.

    Are bands better than weights? ›

    Personal trainers agree, too. We spoke to three separate trainers who not only said that resistance bands can be just as effective at building muscle as dumbbells but that they're also more cost-effective, portable, and versatile.

    What happens if I use resistance bands everyday? ›

    While you can resistance train everyday, for most people it may offer no additional benefits toward reaching their goal when compared to training only three to five days per week.

    Can you lose fat with resistance bands? ›

    Working with resistance bands doesn't just build muscle. It can also help melt away fat. A study published in 2022 shows that resistance band training lowers body fat in people who are overweight better than other forms of training, including free weights and bodyweight exercises.

    How many pounds of resistance band for beginners? ›

    We recommend that beginners should start with a lower strength of resistance band such as 10-15lbs to get used to the resistance and build strength. But if you are familiar with strength training, you can move into a heavier resistance 30lb+ to intensify your workout.

    Is resistance band training enough? ›

    Increased strength Research shows that exercise bands can be just as effective as free weights (like dumbbells and barbells) and weight machines for stimulating strength gains.

    Do resistance bands act like weights? ›

    Studies have shown that resistance bands are capable of providing the same workout as free weights and machines used at the gym. Plus, you won't be as affected by inexperience. Inexperienced gym goers tend to lift free weights and use machines incorrectly, leading to injury, increased fatigue, and ineffective workouts.

    Can resistance bands replace weight training? ›

    Despite their obvious differences in size, both free weights and resistance bands are effective strength-training tools. Progressive overload and resistance variables can be applied to each, including working through a full range of motion and manipulating the load.

    How do you tone your stomach with resistance bands? ›

    Hold the resistance band handles above your chest, and as you crunch up, push the bands past your knees to increase tension. Your shoulders will come up off the ground; push your lower back against the floor. Feel your upper core muscles contract and hold for a count of two.

    How do you lose love handles with resistance bands? ›

    Anchor the resistance band at a low point, and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the band with both hands, and in a diagonal motion, pull the band upward and across your body. Perform 12 to 15 repetitions and complete two to three sets.

    How can I slim my stomach? ›

    8 Ways to Lose Belly Fat and Live a Healthier Life
    1. Try curbing carbs instead of fats. ...
    2. Think eating plan, not diet. ...
    3. Keep moving. ...
    4. Lift weights. ...
    5. Become a label reader. ...
    6. Move away from processed foods. ...
    7. Focus on the way your clothes fit more than reading a scale. ...
    8. Hang out with health-focused friends.

    How fast can I lose weight with resistance bands? ›

    The amount of time it will take to notice results with resistance band training depends on your starting point, diet, and adherence. That said, most people should see good results within six to eight weeks of training with bands as long as they are maintaining a calorie deficit.

    How often should I do resistance band workouts? ›

    Choose a resistance level that allows you to complete 10 to 15 repetitions with good control, alignment and form. The National Strength and Conditioning Association recommends strength training be performed two to three days per week on non-consecutive days (not back to back).

    Do resistance bands speed up results? ›

    Yes they do. Just as an example; you can add them to your Bench Press. It will add more resistance at the Top of the movement and you have to push trough the resistance. Now if you take them off you will notice a great increase in speed at the top of the movement at least.

    How long does it take for resistance training to work? ›

    A review published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research says that beginners can expect to see changes in muscle mass within the first couple months of training. Another review suggests that muscle growth begins after about 10 resistance training sessions.

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    Name: Errol Quitzon

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    Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.