Science Leadership Academy @ Center City (2024)

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Capstone - Ashton Reigner

Posted by Ashton Reigner in Capstone· Kaur· Wed on

I wrote four essays about death, fear, love, and life. These things can be defined in many different ways but I wrote about the ways I have tried to understand these concepts. I wanted to write about these things because I believe they have a big part in all of our lives. I always knew I was going to write something for my capstone but I decided to do this because I think it could help a lot of people struggling with the things I write about. The past year has taught me so much and these essays are proof. These essays got rewritten and edited more than 10 times. I wanted to make sure these essays were something I could be proud to share. Writing about these themes helped me deal with them and I think it can help others too. That’s what I care about, helping others. I want to go into psychology and social work when I’m older. I want my life to be about making the lives of others easier. So many people struggle their whole lives because of things they don’t understand, I thought that if I could just make one person happier by sharing the things I learned, it would make me happier also.

Capstone Brendan Barnes

Posted by Brendan Barnes in Capstone· Enzweiler· Wed on

For my capstone I chose to host a wiffle ball game, I wanted to focus on collaboration and how teamwork will led to a better performance in the game. To kick off my capstone I began by doing a ton of research on what it means to collaborate and how team work, enhances the teams play versus everyone just doing their own thing. After I got done with the research on that I then had to learn all of the wiffle balls rules and regulations. I learned the history behind wiffle ball and how it came to be. After gathering up all the information I needed I then made a google form, in the google form I simply asked “would you be interested in playing wiffle ball?” I only had two options for the answer and they were yes or no. I didn’t send the form out to every single student, I just sent it to people who I thought would actually want to play the sport. I only needed 11 other players, I wanted to have 6 players to a team. I felt like with more people the game would become more difficult to manage, also with less people there is less chances of conflict. We played the official game at Chew playground which is located 18th and Washington Ave. The game turned really well, every player from both teams were already friends and had already formed bonds with one another. I invited two friends of mine from outside of school to play in the game, and as the game went on they began to fit right in and they became friends with everyone else.

“A Brief History of Wiffle Ball.” Mental Floss, Mental Floss, 29 June 2014,

This source addresses the origins about how wiffle ball came to be and why it is played. I chose this because through my capstone I would like to also inform the players about some of the history that comes from wiffle ball. I feel as though if they knew about how the game started it would give them a better grasp of the game, with hopes that it will make them play harder.

“NWLA Tournament.” NWLA Tournament,

This source is the professional wiffle ball league, this will help me with planning the tournament and creating teams. I will use their league as a reference to structure my tournament. Hopefully this source will prove to be very helpful.

Rossmann, Jenn Stroud. “The Contentious Physics of Wiffle Ball.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 17 Jan. 2018,

This source talks about some of the physics and math behind wiffle ball, this is a way to make my capstone educative, I can hold a meeting before the game and inform the players

Santora, Marc. What's 50, Curvy And Full of Air?; It's the Wiffle Ball, Still Popular, Holes and All.

This source talks about how wiffle ball stayed relevant through the years, I feel like this relates to my capstone because if wiffle ball didn’t stay popular I wouldn’t even be able to do this as my capstone. This link also points out a few places that you can get wiffle balls and bats from which I found helpful because I will need to go out and buy at least two bats and maybe a couple balls just in case anything happens.

The Wiffle Ball, Inc. - A Brief History,

This source provides information about the wiffle ball rules and regulations. I chose this because while running a wiffle ball tournament it is essential to know how the game is played. I need to have a grasp of all the rules to ensure that we will have fun and fair play.

“UGA SBDC | The Importance of Collaboration.” University of Georgia Small Business Development Center, The University of Georgia Small Business Development Center, 31 Aug. 2015,

This source points out the importance of collaboration, this is the centerpiece of my capstone. That is one of the reasons why I chose this source, I need to have a deep understanding about the whole concept of collaboration before I do a whole capstone with it at the core. After I read this article I can definitely say that I have a way better understanding of what collaboration should look like and what it should be

Wehbe, Shada. “5 Important Reasons Why Teamwork Matters.” The Online Learning Platform, 17 Apr. 2018,

This source gives us information about why teamwork is so important. Wiffle ball is a team sport in which each team will have to work together in order to succeed. Through my capstone I would like make the players understand the importance of teamwork and collaboration and how it will affect the performance of the teams. I want them to understand that teamwork could be the difference between winning and losing.

“What Collaboration Really Means.” ThoughtFarmer, 14 Jan. 2019,

This is another source that details the importance of collaboration it also gives a few different definitions for the term “collaboration.” I chose this source to even further my knowledge and understanding of collaboration. I will have to know as much information about it, to prove that collaboration is one of SLA’s most important core values. It also highlights different ways people can collab with one another.

“Which of Your Friends Needs to Learn This Term?”,

This source gives different definitions for the word collaboration, while watching and reviewing the wiffle ball games it would be very important for me to be able to use different angles to analyze and view the collaboration of the teams. This will eventually make my capstone even stronger, because this can let me explain our core value in different ways.

Payne, Marissa. “Adult Wiffle Ball Is a Thing, and This Play Is Perhaps the Greatest Wiffle Ball Play Ever.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 14 Aug. 2015,

This source is about the best adult wiffle ball game play ever. This is important to my capstone because this shows that people are still interested in wiffleball. So that means I have an audience for my capstone. So all the hard work that I will put on the capstone will have value to those who have love for wiffle ball.

The Secret Annex Podcast

Posted by Aracely Valenzo-Castro in English 1· Giknis· D Band on

Genero Accooe Capstone

Posted by Genero Accooe in CTE Senior Capstone· Ugworji/Shagin/Walker-Roberts· Wed on

Dayanna Hughes Capstone

Posted by Dayanna Hughes in Capstone· Kaur· Wed on

​For my capstone, I wanted to incorporate the photo skills that I have been taught my last three years of high school. This would be the time to show my art, and what I value as a photographer. Everyone’s interpretation of their world around them is different. Honestly, in the beginning, my thought process was all over the place, not knowing how I would put everything together. At first, I wanted to explore homelessness in Philadelphia. I felt as though bringing awareness to the problems that we ignore every day would be refreshing and different. In the end, I finalized my capstone to be “The people of Philadelphia.” I focused on the major hotspots in our city and took pictures of people whom I feel like we're set apart and made our city unique. With my overall question being, “How does living in an urban setting affect the lives of the citizens and how they interact with one another?” I was nervous about how I would show this effectively. I didn’t just want to tell a story, I wanted my photos to be “Philadelphia.” It was hard at first because I had to get all of the places I wanted to go to. There were some people that didn't want to take photos, and even the weather was out of place. But in the end, it all worked out and I am proud of my final product. Below, are some of the photos I took, but not all due to my final presentation.

“5 Photography Editing Tools To Make Your Photos More Striking And Dramatic.” HandLuggage Only, 26 Nov. 2018

This source gives me insight on how editing can make or break a photo. You can take a photo of anything, and make it more dramatic or have more depth. My goal is to tell a story, and I want it to be deep. This editing technique is called ading “drama.” I want to capture different aspect and views of the people that make the city the way it is. Perhaps different backgrounds can have different effects and edits. There are a lot of misunderstandings when it comes down to the idea of dramatics, like it having to be “dark,” or “sad,” when that isn’t necessarily the case. Now I have a deeper understanding of things that happen and don’t happen.

Formhals, Bryan. “Interview With Photojournalism Legend David Burnett.” About B&H | B&H

Photo Video, B&H Photo Video, 4 Dec. 2013,

David Burnett is an extremely famous photojournalist. He has been named 100 most important people in photography. His photographic opinion matters in the industry. He’s took photos of people like bob marley. This source gives me a view on what higher ups like him do to capture the eyes of the people. For example, he says his photos are not in any way shape or form strategic, he experiments and it works for him every time. It makes the photo more fluid and feels more natural. With portraits as well you want people to be comfortable or it shows in your art.

Maher, James. “What Is Street Photography? - An Introductory, How-To Guide for Beginners.”

New York Fine Art Photography and Portraiture Services, James Maher Photography, 2

Nov. 2018,

This source differentiated what a candid, and other means of photography are. Candids are more fluent and smooth. They seem more natural, and are meant to capture the moment. The author of this described it as poetry. Street photography is up to the photographer as far as what they want to portray. This style isn’t as strict and done a certain way. Like I said before it is up to what the person wants to convey.

Masoner, Liz. “What Is Photojournalism?” The Spruce Crafts, TheSpruceCrafts,

This source tells me what exactly is photojournalism. I didn’t know it was a specific means of journalism but it does make sense as to why it is like that. This website told me in specific what I need to do to capture the moment and what I need to do if I interview people. Not only does the photo tell the story but what you say behind it.“This doesn't mean simply taking an action photo. Communicating the verb is much more than that. Stories are captured in slices while photojournalism strives to convey what is happening in one shot.”

McCurry, Steve. “Home.” Steve McCurry, 6 Aug. 2018, ``

This source is a website from famous photographer Steve McCurry who is noted as one of the greatest photographers of his time. This is his personal website where his galleries are put out there for the world to see. I really want to have my photos to look like his, because even though he downplays his art, you can really see the work that is put into telling the story. This website is direct links to interviews and “behind the scenes” where you can see the steps he took. He travels all around the world, where sometimes english is hard to understand. It’s amazing to me how even though there are barriers his work is universal.

Meyerson, Arthur, et al. “The Stories That Can Be Told Through Photography.” Nikon Df | Classic Nikon DSLR with Modern Features Inside,

This source is a professional giving his knowledge about photography. He tells his specific strategies on how to convey different things. Like previously mentioned he switches it up, his style always changes and he said to keep that in mind when doing photo projects. This helps me because I can see through the eyes of a professional what to do and what not to do. He picks different locations based on who he is interviewing because not every person he is taking portraits are all the same.

sivak, cathy. “Interview with Lisa Schreiber, Photojournalist - - Directoryof Journalism Schools and List of Journalism Programs.”,

This source is an interview with Cathy Sivak who is a photojournalist. She has been doing it for majority of her life. She is an award winning photographer and currently works for the post tribune. She mentions trends in photography and how that can help more people to see what you are doing. Which makes sense, because trends are what people are currently interested in. When capturing my art, I think it would be good to edit based on what editing tools are in. For example, bookah or color which are specific trends now could help me win over some of the people that come to my viewing connect more. It seems to be a common thing among professionals to pay attention to what specific things your people are giving them to properly tell your story.

Stanford, anna. “Photography Storytelling = Portrait Project 365.” Design Bridge, 19 Sept. 2016,

This source is another interview of a person who has a whole business around teaching journalism and photography. He mentions common struggles that his students face. For example, not having a relationship with their photographer. Often times they look angry or you can see the frustration that the photographer had while trying to take the photo. He warns of things to pay attention to and once again how to make people feel safe enough to put their business out there publically for the world to see.

strayhem, vanessa. “The Best Photos From TIME Photographers in 2017.” Time, Time,

This source helps me by giving me specific names of people who do what I want to convey in this project. I don’t want to copy them, but from seeing their art I can base my project to be overall better. I want these photos to tell a story, and if I can study the greats I can make my photos great. These people have different styles that are being acknowledged, and like other sources I have noted it teaches me what not to do.

Swift, Paula Ferazzi. Storytelling Portrait Photography: How to Document the Lives of Children

and Families. Amherst Media, 2017.

This source is a book that explains how to make your models comfortable. Along with different strategies to make them that way. For example, she incorporates a lot of toys and childlike mannerisms to make toddlers and babies more relaxed. She also includes analysis of why she does do that, for example childrens photos always include them smiling. That’s why during the shoot she does this childlike things to get that out of them. She has different sections for different ages, of like I said what she has noticed and picked up on. For older people she makes sure where she has them is comfortable, and she may have a brighter background or overall setting due to things like shadows.

Eric Gorski Capstone

Posted by Eric Gorski in Capstone· Kaur· Wed on

For my Capstone I chose to design a solar powered electric bicycle. The design Is different from a normal bicycle. This is because the seat has a back to it to help with posture. Also to work the bike there are accelerate and brake pedals. However, due to the fact that my bike is designed for people with physical disabilities, instead of having the pedals be used like a car by the rider moving their ankle my design has it so the rider uses their entire leg to push the whole pedal forward.

I started with drawings of my design, then I built a small scale model out of Legos. After that I started building a full scale model out of wood. However, I was unable to finish this in time for this deadline because I was only taking pictures of the finished product at each stage I do not have any proof that I did the full scale model at this time. While doing my Capstone I learned that designing something that someone would not think is that complicated, like a bicycle, is actually very hard to do.

Raymond Rochester Capstone

Posted by Raymond Rochester-Pitts in Capstone· Estey/Menasion· Wed on

Ashley De La Cruz Capstone

Posted by Ashley De La Cruz in Capstone· Ames/Hirschfield· Wed on

Throughout my whole life, I grew up with my parents struggling and working their hardest to give my siblings and I a better life filled with more opportunities than they could've given us back in their hometown in Mexico. Therefore, I knew that immigration was something that played a big role in our country, especially with undocumented immigrants. I knew that a lot of these members of the Hispanic community weren't aware of their rights or that they could have access to things such as health care even though they didn't have insurance. I knew that in order to educate more people, I would need to give them easy resources that they could reach and contact and just find out more information about. Therefore, I made 100 brochures in both Spanish and English, which included some basic rights that people should be aware of and also of places where they can go to get health care, dental care, and immigration help. With permission from some clinics and offices, I left some brochures with them so that people could take it home and become informed.I want people to know that just because they’re in a country that might not be their native country, they still have the same rights as everyone else. I want people to be aware that just because they have less it doesn’t mean that they can’t have the same as others.

Frazee, Gretchen. "What Constitutional Rights Do Undocumented Immigrants Have?" PBS. June 25, 2018. Accessed January 25, 2019.

This source is listing out what rights any undocumented immigrant has in this country, even though they might have not been born here. Some of the examples that I might include are, “Right to due process,” “The right to legal counsel,” “The right to be with your family,” and “The right to education.” I want to list these rights out because a lot of people live in fear and when they are placed in certain situations they aren’t aware that there are still rights that pertain to them. I want to show these communities that they can have the same opportunities as others.

"How Immigrants Are Getting Health Coverage." December 08, 2018. Accessed January 25, 2019.

This source is going to be used to show how you don’t have to be a citizen in order to obtain health care access like those natural born citizens. This source lists key points, how the cost and what you can cover are changed based on your situations. This source also talks about how many of the people living here are uninsured, which is important to include as an important statistic. I want to use this to show how they are verified and their status. I think it’s important that people understand that they are getting health insurance and even though they are paying, without having a social security number, they are still doing it through a legal way.

"Low Cost Dental Clinic | Low Cost Dental Clinic." Penn Dental Medicine. March 23, 2018. Accessed January 25, 2019.

I am going to be including this source because I want to recommend this location. Personally, my parents have been going here for a while and they have told me that the fees that this dental clinic charges are not expensive. They have told me that they think it’s a very professional place and that everyone there is very kind and that it’s very cheap, considering that they don’t have any insurance.

Nolo. "Is An Immigration Lawyer Worth The Cost?" March 24, 2016. Accessed January 25, 2019.

This source is very important to include because it talks about the different types of cases that may pertain to the cost for having to want a lawyer. I want to include this source because it’s talking about how, even though they may seem expensive, some of them are very helpful, especially in the case of undocumented people being detained. My main importance is that I want to focus on the Hispanic community, especially the undocumented, since it’s something that I can relate to because of family members. There’s a section on here that directly talks about how these lawyers work in order to determine if there’s a legitimate reason for their stay.

"Nonprofit-Health-Wellness-Latino Immigrant-Philadelphia." Puentes De Salud. Accessed January 24, 2019.

The reason why I chose to use this source is because in order to create my handbook, I need to include clinics where people without health insurance are accepted. I was recommended this place by my mother because a lot of people that she knows have been to this place and they don’t charge as much. This place is mainly for the Hispanic community, since the volunteers are trained to speak Spanish. The clinics main purpose is to challenge “embedded social inequalities and injustices.” From what I’ve heard, a lot of people say that everyone here is very kind and they don’t discriminate.

"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Immigration Legal Aid & Pro Bono Services." Justia. Accessed January 25, 2019.

This is a website that I’m going to include possibly in my handbook. There are locations that are on here and I plan on going to show up to each of these locations. I want to possibly hand them hypothetical situations and see how much they would charge someone who is undocumented. I want to use this source to include places that might be willing to reduce costs for these people. I also want to understand why it is that these practices are willing to help others, especially the less fortunate. I want to understand the different costs and then compare them in the end.

"Sliding Scale Fees." Wikipedia. August 21, 2018. Accessed January 25, 2019.

When I was reading the majority of the articles were listing how in order to figure out how much the people that are undocumented should be charged, they base it off of a sliding fee scale. I was confused when reading what it is and how it is based on income because I don’t understand how this whole system works.

"U.S. Citizen Children Impacted by Immigration Enforcement." American Immigration Council. November 27, 2018. Accessed January 25, 2019.

What people don’t realize is that the reason why I’m focusing on this capstone is because I want to inform people that if they don’t know their rights, then they might be deported. Therefore, I want to educate people of the negative outcomes/results if families were deported. This source talks about statistics that I can include on my potential website, about how many children have been left without a family member. This source is talking about previous studies have been conducted and their results that have occured. I want to use this source to provide as many current examples so that people can understand why this is important to support these communities.

"What Legal Rights Do Undocumented Immigrants Have? (With Lesson Plan)." KQED. March 29, 2017. Accessed January 25, 2019.

This includes a video that I wasn’t sure how to cite but I also wanted to include the writing in it because it lists more rights that these undocumented people have. I think that this source is important to include because it will list out what people need to know when placed in this situation so that they can speak up for themselves.

"Why We Need Social Security." Princeton University. Accessed January 25, 2019.

The reason why I chose to use this source is because I want to know some background information in order to understand why it is that some clinics don’t accept people who don’t have any social security. I don’t understand why it is that some clinics enforce it very harshly, understanding that some people, for example those who are undocumented, don’t have the ability to apply for this. This source mainly talks about the background of how this system came to be and was created. This source is talking about the pros in having the social security, so I can include this to show how people see this as such a positive but there are those that don’t have the opportunity to get one.

Antonio DeRock Capstone

Posted by Antonio DeRock in Capstone· Enzweiler· Wed on

The project began with research. I had researched other graphing programs such as Desmos and Geogebra. It didn’t stop there with the research because I researched other programming languages that I didn’t use before and the opinions my peers on the graphing calculators they use. My software will be presented in a similar way as graphing calculators/software, however, I want to make it more customizable and unique so that students here can graph for their projects and not have to edit the graph on google drawings. It was difficult to fully map out my project because things can go downhill and not go as planned. Everything was labeled as to be determined because the research can lead to me having to learn a completely new programming language, which can take an extensive amount of the time of the project. After the program has been made, there are sure to be bugs/glitches as well as issues throughout the coding process. The process of troubleshooting is the way of reflection throughout this project. I experienced all of these things throughout my capstone. I worked through HTML which we are now learning in Advanced Computer Science. Things didn’t fully go my way when I wanted more customization features and better axis, but I am sure if I was to continue this project I could make that happen.

Gregory Tasik Capstone

Posted by Gregory Tasik in CTE Senior Capstone· Kamal/Ugworji/Shagin· Wed on

Music has been a huge part of my life. Going into the Capstone project, seniors are encouraged to pursue a question of inquiry that “will guide our work.” My original idea was to take broken trumpets and upcycle them into lamps. It was a solid idea but lacked impact. A major part of the Capstone project is how it impacts our communities around us. Why is music so prevalent in society anyways? I broadened my thinking and came across the question of “Why and how is music so important to one’s life?” I decided on restoring used trumpets and donating them to kids in my local Indonesian community. I presented my plan to Braskem in which I got full funding to restore 3 trumpets.

I came to a realization that the tools used for instrument repair were quite advanced and expensive. My knowledge was also not up to par. However, as in Capstone fashion, I learned as I went. Through different articles, forums, and YouTube videos I was able to learn different repair methods and created my own cheaper version. Using two aluminium rods I was able to smooth out the dents of the trumpet bells. I could disassemble and reassemble a trumpet by heart and learned how to solder trumpet joints and slides. I gained a better understanding of the intricacies of trumpets and the beauty in its creation. In the end, I was able to have 3 finished restored trumpets to give to kids in the community.

Barone, Joshua. “A Symphony Breathes Life Into 400 Broken School Instruments.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 4 Dec. 2017,

One initiative that was brought up by the School District in partnership with Temple was the Symphony of a Broken Orchestra. The idea behind the initiative was that the School District has a room/rooms full of broken instruments. To fix these instruments, the initiative asks donors to “sponsor” an instrument to pay for its repairs fees and to be able to give them back to the community. This source talks about an event they did, where they assembled an orchestra ranging from ages from 9 to 82 to perform. I will use this source to show progress done in the community, and I have considered talking to this organization. As it is written by the New York Times, I trust this source.

Gill, Charlotte C. “Music Education Is Now Only for the White and the Wealthy | Charlotte C Gill.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 27 Mar. 2017,

Much of the problem of musical education is the high costs. Lessons can run up to a dollar a minute and instruments are very expensive. The barrier to entry scares off many families and kids. This articles details the problems of viewing music as an elite luxury. The subject needs diversity and more people need to understand there are ways of learning without shelling big dollars. I will use this source to show how important it is in giving kids the opportunity to play an instrument for free and how I can hopefully spark a musical interest in kids lives.

Graham, Kristen A. “Some Philly Schools Have Rich Arts Programs, and Others Have None. How Do You Fix It?”,, 17 Oct. 2017,

Since 2013, the School District has been trying to build its music program. However, much like the District’s others problems, the programs are disparate throughout all the schools. There are schools in the district like GAMP and CAPA which have amazing music programs, while there are other schools who have no music programs. I will use this source to prove the stats amongst different schools to see who receives funding and to prove the disparity amongst schools and the decision to give them to kids who necessarily aren’t exposed to music education in their public schools. As it is written by the Philadelphia Inquirer, the source is pretty reliable.

Holcomb, Mac. Girard Academic Music Program,

This source details personal relationships I have formed throughout my years of schooling. I went to GAMP for middle school. Here I met many teachers like Mr.Holcomb who excelled in musical repairs had extensive knowledge on all types of musical instruments. I know that I will come across roadblocks in my repairs and it is my hope that I will have people like Mr.Holcomb who I can hit up and ask for help. I also know a number of music teachers throughout the district. As my cited source, I used the school’s directory which lists him as the school’s band director.

“How To Clean A Trumpet.” TrumpetHub,

This source details a step-by-step process on how to properly clean a trumpet. When starting with the restoration process, the first step is to clean the instrument and assessing the damage. The point of this source is to gain a better understanding of this process so I can start off the restoration with a great start. This should be a fairly simple as not many specialty tools are needed to clean the trumpet, hence why am I starting off with the trumpet. In regards to the source, TrumpetHub is a blog about trumpets and has a knowledgeable community on all things trumpet.

Instructables. “Giving a New Life to an Old Cornet/Trumpet.”, Instructables, 15 Nov. 2018,

This source is an Instructables step-by-step process of a person restoring his trumpet/cornet. In this situation, the restoration job wasn’t as complex/difficult as the trumpet did not have too many problems with it. The man, known as “hobbyman,” includes videos and detailed photos throughout his process. I will use this process as a baseline as I want to start off restoring an instrument with not too many problems. I figure that I should start off simpler, and then go more complex if I feel like I can. Although Instructables is not the most credible source, it is not necessarily needed for my project.

McKinstry, Aileen. Why America Needs to Continue Funding Music Education in Public Schools. pp. 1–10, Why America Needs to Continue Funding Music Education in Public Schools.

This source is a journal published by Penn State University. It makes the argument for keeping music in public education. In contrast to others, the source is backed by an institution like Penn State and is very fact based. It includes good graphics and a number of great statistics to further prove the impact of musical education in schools. I will use this source as the academic journal to fulfill the requirement of a reputable source. Furthemore, the source provides a real world example of the lack of funding and the writer brings a personal story into her argument.

Muse, Queen. “Silencing the Music at Philly Schools.” NBC 10 Philadelphia, NBC 10 Philadelphia, 21 June 2013,

The Philadelphia School District is no stranger to budget cuts. Ever since middle school, the topic at the beginning of every school year was the possibility of losing this, that, or the next thing. This source is an NBC news article on one of the major budgets cuts in 2013. At this time, a lot of music programs were cut out, and the students were the ones that had to suffer. I plan to use this source to explain the lack of musical education in Philadelphia schools and why it needs to change. This will provide my capstone some background information for others to see.

The United States Army Field Band. “What Not To Do: Trumpet Instrument Repair.” YouTube, YouTube, 19 June 2012,

This source is a YouTube video provided by the United States Army Field Band. Going into this project, I believe it is advantageous for me to watch as much content on these repairs as I can while working. However, what is different about this source is that it details the common mistakes of trumpet repairs, instead of the step-by-step process of how to fix trumpets. I will use this source as a way to strengthen my knowledge and avoid common mistakes during this process. This source is pretty credible as it was posted by a YouTube verified U.S. Army channel.

Tom Barnes. “The Scientific Reasons We Should Teach Music to Kids in School.” Mic, Mic Network Inc., 25 Oct. 2015,

This source details the scientific proof of the benefits of musical education in schools. While the NBC article focuses on the issues of the Philadelphia School District, this source looks at the issue at a much larger scale as it describes the other issues from school districts around the country. It details the cognitive benefits of musical education and mentions various studies on students benefiting from musical education. I will use this source to further strengthen my argument on the reason for musical education and the reason why I believe in my capstone’s importance. Although I am not that familiar with the source, the writer does cite all of his information and provides direct links to his sources.

Tai Bailey Capstone

Posted by Tai-Monae Bailey on

For my capstone I did a book club. I’ve always loved to read. Growing up, I’ve been in many book clubs at school where we had to read an assigned book and do activities based on that book.I felt like we were forced to read books that aren't that interesting and in result it wasn’t an enjoyable experience for my peers and I. Nevertheless for my capstone I did research to see what types of books people enjoyed, once I did that I then created a survey for the people in my book to see which types of books they would enjoy reading. Once I compared everyone's responses I then chose my favorite book “Lessons From a Dead Girl”. The people in my bookclub wanted books that they could relate too, with characters like themselves. They love teen drama and suspense books, which describes “Lessons From a Dead Girl” all the way. My book club lasted for 5 weeks, 2 meetings per week. Each book club meeting consisted of us reading 2 chapters and discussing and analyzing what we read. In our second to last book club meeting we finished the book and I created an activity where we would say which part of the book we would alter to conclude a better ending, since the main character in the book faced numerous adversities. It was interesting because each person had a very different outlooks on the book. I can conclude that everyone really had a great time reading "Lessons From a Dead Girl" and most importantly I had fun being able to read and analyze a book that I love.


This source will help me with writing my novel because it’s basically a website that helps you figure out better word choices . In my novel i can use this website to find words that will fit my dialogue and the tone of story. Also it will help me use better vocab. Some of the characters in my book will need an advance vocab and that will help me.


This source is basically a guide to writing and completing a book. It will give me

Ideas on how to write it and give me writing strategies to finish the book efficiently and make it actually good .


This source is basically a way for people to read what i written and give me honest feedback on it .they can rate each parts of my novel as i continue writing. It’s safe and efficient.


This source will help me because it’s basically another way for readers internationally to read each part of my

Novel that i have written and give me honest feedback on it.


This source is helpful to me and my novel . It’s helpful because whenever i get writers block or stuck on any piece of my writing i can use this site for ideas or whenever i'm unsure about an idea or feel like changing it.


This source will help me decide names for the characters in my story. Since i have to focus on the actual writing part i don’t have time for the names and minor parts such as that . The source will easily give me names and help me not stress .


This source basically gives me tips and advice on how to have a productive book club. Sometimes book clubs can get boring or people don’t comfortable enough to share at first but there are so many things I can do to prevent that.


This source helps me because it gives me a million different books that I could use for my book club. Each book they have is very different, which expands my variety on books I can pick for my book club. It gives me the overview and genre of the book and tells me what age groups would best fit this book.


This source helped me figure out which types of books fits best for each age group. Since my book club is going to be sophom*ores in high school, who are mature for their age I needed to find a balance for them to enjoy and be really interested in.


This source gives me fun activities to do in my book club. Since just reading for the entire book club meeting could be boring or too tiring, this source gives me fun ideas and activities to do during breaks to wake up the readers in my book club and keep them refreshed and attentive.

Tyreek Speedwell: My Youtube Channel

Posted by Tyreek Speedwell in Capstone· Ames/Hirschfield· Wed on

For my capstone, my goal is to expand my passion of having fun with sports across social platforms/media. I made a Youtube channel and will be uploading videos. In each video, my peers and I will play sports games/challenge. The challenges will definitely showcase our humorous personalities as we perform theses games/challenges. They also help me make the edits to ensure that the videos are even more entertaining. Also, I will use social media such as my instagram account and informing others to post shoutouts on their social media accounts in order to promote the Youtube channel to get more viewers to watch my content. I’ve learned from this experience especially that it takes practice to get the videos the way I want to please the viewers who will like them. I’m very hopeful that the process of expanding this Youtube is a huge success for me in the long run since it is something I want to personally do even after high school.

WIDE RECEIVERS BE LIKE PT. 2 (W/DOCKERY). April 10,2019Deestroying

This source features a humorous impersonation among two friends who play football. They are impersonating how football wide receivers stereotypically act on the field when they play a game of football. They act out things like spitting on their gloves, getting in position, and other things , but at random times which makes the video funny. Each person shows how common it is for a wide receiver to do these things. The video’s purpose is to be entertaining. This video is really good for my capstone because it gives me ideas in which I can get creative with my videos.

THEY GOT EXPOSED!! WR VS DB 1 ON 1’S. February 12, 2018Deestroying

This video shows how four friends who play football want to play a game on video. The rules are that it is a two versus two game. Each team will have opportunities to to score. They can only score by catching a pass that their teammate throws. The other team defending has to stop them from catching it. If the other team ends up catching the ball instead, then that is a point for their team. The four friends are shown having fun doing this despites being very competitive with each other. The video’s purpose is to be entertaining. This is good for my capstone because it gives me ideas in which I can get creative with my videos.


This shows two a few friends involved in a game of one on one basketball. The only rule is that the two players play the entire game blindfolded. The ball is rolled in every each made basket. The two players have to feel around to find the basketball and score it, but if not then try to prevent the other person from scoring. This was inspired by the movie called “Bird Box”. The video ends up being very humorous due to certain contents in the video. This is good for my capstone because it gives me ideas in which I can get creative with my videos.

Kyrie Be Like.. . April 7, 2016Marcelas Howard

This source features a humorous impersonation among friends who play basketball. They are impersonating how NBA all star Kyrie Irving stereotypically plays on a basketball court when he plays in a game. They act out things like his nasty crossovers, crazy layups, and other things , but they make the video funny. They show how common it is for Kyrie Irving to these things on numerous occasions which in which he is famous for . The video’s purpose is to be entertaining.This is good for my capstone because it gives me ideas in which I can get creative with my videos.

A Day At SKY ZONE With 2HYPE. March 9, 2019Tristan Jass

This video shows a few friends playing numerous games of basketball at Skyzone. The first game is basically a shootout. Each person takes a shot on a court and it’s the one person to make it to 3 points wins. The second game is D.U.N.K. This game is basically a game where people take turns dunking the ball and each made dunk is worth a letter in the word itself if you miss. The overall objective of this game is to not miss enough dunks ro spell out the word D.U.N.K. This is good for my capstone because it gives me ideas in which I can get creative with my videos.

Spiderman Basketball Episode 2. August 27, 2013Professor Live

This source features a humorous impersonation of man who is great at playing basketball. He impersonates spiderman being an elite basketball player on the streets. He goes to multiple basketball courts to play random people in basketball and beating them while keeping spider man’s actual timeline as a part of the video. He acts out things like his crazy ball handling, crazy layups, and overall just how quick and agile spiderman would be if he played basketball in real life. The video’s purpose is to be entertaining. This is also good for my capstone because it gives me ideas in which I can get creative with my videos.

How to Motivate Kids in Sports. Accessed January 25, 2019Kaylynn Bardolph

This source is about how to motivate kids in sports. It starts off telling that how much fun kids can have playing. There are reasons behind it. They love playing because they get to play with their friends and build bonds. Also, they love to wear the uniforms because they think it is cool. They can get influenced by a popular athlete and idolize them following into their footsteps to become great as well. It goes on with tips to help them continue the path and not give up on it. This source is useful for my capstone because it provides information on how to help the youth stay on the right track with being motivated by videos and look up to me as a role model.

Nike Dream Crazy. Accessed January 25, 2019Nike

This is a Nike commercial about dreams. It involves some of the top athletes of today. They all want to be the best ever. They demonstrate all of the obstacles that they face. The purpose of the video is that whatever your dream is, you just have to aim higher than just that. Hard work has to be done in order to get closer and closer to that goal. Your dream has to be something that you are willing to put effort into. In conclusion, the people in the video all exceeded expectations that others who didn’t believe in that said. This is useful for my capstone because it provides a perspective of not just the causes and effects of setting a goal and doing something to achieve it, which is why I’m doing videos involving my interest in sports .

Nike OBJ Don’t Stop. Accessed January 25, 2019Nike

This is a Nike commercial about an NFL player named Odell Beckham Jr. The commercial follows each step in OBJ’s football career and all the hard work he put in to get to each step. It starts out with his high school games and how good he would play there. It transitions to his college football career where he continues to play at a high level. Then, it transitions to his pro career in the NFL. It shows how great he has become. It also shows how much fun he has doing what he loves which is football. This is useful for my capstone because it provides an example of someone who achieved their goals and what he had to go through to get there to do it his own way.

The Professor vs Pro Competition at Venice Beach.. DESTROYS 6’3” hooper. October 24, 2018Professor Live

This video shows a numerous clips of a famous basketball player playing one on one basketball. He goes to a basketball court to play random people in basketball and beating them like crazy. He uses moves like his amazing ability to dribble the ball, shoot crazy shots, and even overall just display how good of a player he is. No one is able to stop him and just end up looking silly doing so in the first place. The video’s purpose is to be entertaining. This is also good for my capstone because it gives me ideas in which I can get creative with my videos.

Messele Asfaw Capstone

Posted by Messele Asfaw in CTE Senior Capstone· Ugworji/Shagin/Walker-Roberts· Wed on

Benjamin Seing Capstone

Posted by Benjamin Seing on


I questioned for weeks about what my capstone should be and it came to my attention that I have learned a lot about filmmaking and identity. As a cinematographer at Rebel Ventures, I have decided to create videos for the organization about fruits and vegetables that are not quite common on a daily diet. One of the issues that I see in the community is that people believe fresh produce is expensive or not tasty to their palate. I went around the city to buy fruits and vegetables such as snow peas, napa cabbage, and aloe vera. Most of the items I bring to Rebel Ventures’ commercial kitchen were cheap and affordable. I used the space to demonstrate what the produce is, how to cut and eat, and talk about the facts of the produce.

A few schools in Philadelphia had a program to taste test a variety of vegetables and fruits every other day. I had the opportunity to produce a video for the students to watch before they tried out the produce. They were trying dragon fruit, however, it was quite expensive compared to other fruits. I took a step further to purchase all three different kinds of dragon fruit to be able to showcase in a video. Reflecting back, I have struggled being in front of the camera and doing voice-overs, but I stood up and went out of my comfort zone to produce the videos. I was happy that I showcased healthy options to the media.

Annotated Bibliography: ​

Cochran,W.,MD.(n.d.).UnderstandingtheChildhoodObesityEpidemic.Retrievedfrom­library/understanding­the­childhood­obesity­epidemic/Thissitetalkedaboutobesityinwaysofhowsomeonecanbeobesetohowitcanbetreated.Thearticlegaveinformationonhowitcanbetreated.ThereisadescriptionoftheBMIandwhateachnumbermeansandhowitiscalculated.Although,thereisn’talotofdatathatisgiven,suchasgivingstatisticswithdatesandfactualnumbers.However,theauthorwroteaboutwhatthemajorcausesofobesityare,suchashowmuchactivityachildisgettingandwhatachildwouldeatintheirdailydiet.Thisissourcehelpsmeunderstandthatchildreneatandhowitaffectstheobesityrate.Default­StanfordChildren'sHealth.(n.d.).Retrievedfrom­kids­to­eat­nutritious­meals­1­1175Thissourceexploredhowtopersuadechildrentoeathealthier.Partofmygoalistryingtogetchildrenandyoungmindstogetinthehabitofeatingmorenutritiousfood.Thewebsiteistalkingaboutthewaysthatadultscanusetogettheirchildrentoeatthefruitsandvegetablesservedtothem.IthasalotoftipsandwaysthatcanhelpmewithwhatIneedtosayinmyvideos.Thoughthesourceisnotverylong,itholdsalotofgoodinformation.Theygofromwhatkindsofthingsparentsshouldmaketheirchildrentryandexplorewhattheylike,suchastexture,sweetness,etc.DietaryGuidelinesforAmericans2010.Retrievedfrom­2640calories).Thereisadetailedchapteronwhatitmeanstoconsumeacertainamountofcaloriesandhowlongweneedtobeactive.ThissourcehasalotofinformationthatImightconsiderusingitmoreoftenthanmostothersources.1/25/2019 Untitled document - Google Docs 2/3H.(2017,August07).BytheNumbers:WhyVideoIsEffective.Retrievedfrom­the­numbers­why­video­is­effective/#Thissourcetalkedaboutcommunicationskills.Withabunchofinfolistedandelaborated,ittalksaboutthehowvideoscanbeusedtoprovideinformationonanything.Therearetipsaboutwhatmakesagoodvideoandwhatmyaudiencewouldliketoseeandknowwhomyaudiencesare.ThereisalotofinformationthatIcanusetomakemyvideosbetter.,MaintainingaHealthyWeightontheGo:APocketGuide.Retrievedfrom,thereisalistofthingsthatanaverageAmericanwouldeatandwhatwecanreplaceinourmeals.Theyalsotalkedaboutportionsizes,soeventhoughweareeatinghealthy,sometimestoomuchofitcanharmus.Thisisquiteusefulforlearningwhatitmeanstohaveawell­balanceddietandhownottoovereatthefoodwehaveeveryday.Thereisalsoalistofthingsthatwecanconsiderwhenitcomestolookingatthenumberofcaloriesthatoneobjecthas.Mandal,A.(2018,August23).ObesityandFastFood.Retrievedfrom­­and­Fast­Food.aspxOrganicFoods:WhatYouNeedtoKnow.(2019,January15).Retrievedfrom­eating/organic­foods.htm/ThissourceissousefulbecauseIcanlearnthedifferencebetweenorganicandgeneticallymodifiedfoods.Therewasadifferencebetweenthebenefitsandhealthhazards.IgettounderstandwhataaGMOfoodisanditaffectshowpeopleeat.Itisagoodwaytomassproducefoodbutthenumberofchemicalsandgeneticsdysfunctional.Therearepesticidesthatplayalongwiththeunhealthysideoffood.Overweight&Obesity.(2018,March05).Retrievedfrom,strokes,highbloodpressure,etc.Thebestpartaboutthissourcethatitlistsallofthesourcestheyusedtocreatethearticle.Theybrieflytalkedabouthowitcanalsobegenetics,diseases,drugs,andmentalhealth1/25/2019 Untitled document - Google Docs 3/3thataffectsthechancesofobesity.Theyevendoveintosocialeconomicsandhowtheamountofincomeonefamilycouldhavecanaffectwhattheyeatandhowtheyareabletoaffordhealthcare.8AmazingTropicalFruits:HealthBenefits&NutritionFacts.(2017,August31).Retrievedfrom­fruits.htmlThissourcetalkedaboutthetropicalfruitsandthebenefitsofit.IfinditusefulthatIamgoingtoexplorethedifferentthingsthatcanbeeaten.Itevenlistssomeofthedifferenttropicalfruitsandalsoprovidesthenutrientsfactsandthehealthbenefits.Iwishedthattheylistedmorethaneightfruitsbutsomeofthefruitsareusefultouse.Thepositivepartofthesourceisthatitliststhevitaminsandmineralsthatbenefitahumanbeing.10Tips:Kid­friendlyVeggiesandFruits.(2017,July25).Retrievedfrom­tips­kid­friendly­veggies­and­fruitsThissourcestoodouttomebecauseoftheinnovatedideasthatIdidn’tthinkof.Thissitehasrecipesandideasthatcanhelpmeelaborateon.ThefruitsandvegetablesthatIusecanbeturnedintosomethingdifferentanduniquethatIcanpersuademyaudiencewith.Theconaboutthesiteisthatitfallsalittlebitshort.Iwishedthereweresomenutritionalfactsaboutsomeofthethingsthatarelisted.ThereareotherlinksinthewebsitethatIcanbrowsethroughtocontinuemyresearch.

Zoey Tweh Capstone

Posted by Zoey Tweh in Capstone· Estey/Menasion· Wed on

Boubou Magassa's Capstone

Posted by Boubou Magassa in CTE Senior Capstone· Kamal/Ugworji/Shagin· Wed on

For my senior Capstone Project, I wanted to help the thousands of homeless people in the city of philadelphia. I had first wanted to make a bed out of something recyclable, so I had chose car tires. I had then pitched my idea to Braskem and got tons of support from the company and from family and friends, but it was a short lived dream because it was not possible to get the tires professionally cut the way that I needed. So now onto a new idea I had thought of making something lightweight and affordable so I had chose a bed made out of PVC. I had lots of trouble with getting the bed to sustain weight and also support itself and also a person. After multiple design changes and testing I had come up with a final design that met all the goals that I needed. I plan to donate my bed to a homeless shelter because there are hundreds of homeless people turned away from shelters because of lack of beds. My bed would provide another resting place, but also the ability to pack it up and make it easy for storage.

theTimberFrameGuy. “DIY Suspension Bridge - 54’ Span.” YouTube, YouTube, 7 Aug. 2013,

“How Is the Body Affected by Sleep Deprivation?” Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute ofChild Health and Human Development, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

Boone, Rebecca. “Court: Cities Can’t Prosecute People for Sleeping on Streets.” The SeattleTimes, The Seattle Times Company, 4 Sept. 2018,

“From My Experience, Here Is How Homeless People Live.” Northeast Ohio Coalition for theHomeless, 9 Dec. 2016,

Zone, Top 10. “Top 10 Best Portable Camping Bed & Cot Innovations.” YouTube, YouTube, 24Mar. 2018,

“Know Homelessness.” Office of Homeless Services,

“Best Temperature for Sleep.” Sleep.Org, Sleep.Org,

Lord, Elliot. “Making Card Beds for Homeless People.” YouTube, YouTube, 3 Sept. 2015,

“10 Benefits of a Memory Foam Mattress.” Amerisleep Blog, 26 Sept. 2018,

“The Amazing Benefits of Sleeping in a Hammock.” Mattress and Sleep Product Reviews,

Tommy Conley Capstone

Posted by Thomas Conley in CTE Senior Capstone· Ugworji/Shagin/Walker-Roberts· Wed on

For my capstone I wanted to represent my love for film, t.v. and video, through editing. I made a reel or ‘edit’ of shots from over 35 media sources, all of which are important to me in some way or another. I scanned through around 50 hours of films (and t.v. and videos), rewatching some, searching for shots that were either significant to me or that were visually appealing. I found the song I would use, AI by theMIND, deep within the soundcloud of a favorite artist of mine (confirming any possible copyright issues). I marked every waveform that I wanted to edit on, and then started to assemble and order clips so that the ordering conveys progression. The longest part of the process was definitely selecting clips - I was doing this for a couple weeks before I moved on to actual editing. The edit also includes a small animated bit, where I drew over top about 20 frames of a video using microsoft paint. My final product somewhat serves as a look into my life, but also contains sylization that I am proud of. It also showcases cinematography in a way that a typical viewer might not view it.

Bibliography (click here)

Marcin Czapla Capstone

Posted by Marcin Czapla in CTE Senior Capstone· Kamal/Ugworji/Shagin· Wed on

​​For my Senior Capstone Project, I wanted to create something that would help me and other people living in the city using the knowledge of tools and Engineering principles I have acquired over the past four years. I knew that transportation around the city of Philadelphia was a major struggle for lot's of people, considering public transport is unreliable and owning a car isn't plausible. I also knew that as a freshman in college next year, whatever this mode of transportation would be, it would have to be campus friendly. When met with these constraints, one vehicle, in particular, stood out to me, the electric skateboard. After doing a bit of research online, I knew I could make my own board using RC supplies for around 1/4 the price of those on the market. However, as I soon found out, it wouldn't be as easy as ordering parts and putting them together. Most of the parts that I needed were shipped overseas and needed to be modified to fit my components. This lead me to use many of the tools I became familiar with through robotics and Engineering, such as the lathe, mill, and drill press. In order to successfully complete this project, I also had to learn about RC components and electrical circuits. I even cut out my own board using CAD and the CNC router. In the end, the board I made may not have as long of a range or go as fast as the boards on the market, but considering my budget I am still proud of what I accomplished.


"The 16 Best DIY Electric Skateboards [LIST] - MyMyDIY | Inspiring DIY Projects." MyMyDIY. October 26, 2018. Accessed April 19, 2019.

"{{SEO.ogTitle}}." Accessed April 21, 2019.

Projects, Oren's. "Electric Skateboard Build - Belt Drive | Weight ~11 Lbs | Price < $300 | Speed > 23 Mph." YouTube. October 16, 2018. Accessed May 02, 2019.

Kids, Big. "HOW TO BUILD A DIY ELECTRIC ⚡ SKATEBOARD TUTORIAL PART 1 - BETTER THAN A BOOSTED BOARD." YouTube. November 16, 2017. Accessed May 02, 2019.

Kids, Big. "HOW TO BUILD A DIY ELECTRIC ⚡ SKATEBOARD TUTORIAL- BATTERIES & ELECTRONICS- PART 2." YouTube. January 11, 2018. Accessed May 02, 2019.

Kids, Big. "HOW TO BUILD A DIY ELECTRIC ⚡ SKATEBOARD TUTORIAL- VESC & RC REMOTE CONFIGURATION- PART 4." YouTube. February 5, 2018. Accessed May 02, 2019.

Adriaens, Frédéric. "[WIKI] A Beginner Guide to DIY an ESK8." Board. June 25, 2018. Accessed May 02, 2019.

Admin. "Are DIY Electric Skateboards Cheaper? | The False Economy." Board. September 03, 2015. Accessed May 02, 2019.

"DIY Electric Skateboard Parts - Build an Electric Skateboard." MBoards. Accessed May 02, 2019.

"DIY Electric Skateboard Guide [2019] - Belt Drive." How to Make an Electric Skateboard. April 22, 2019. Accessed May 02, 2019.

Jason Lam's Capstone

Posted by Jason Lam in Capstone· Block· Wed on

My Capstone project was to create a sort of guide on how to help and support a visually impaired student for teachers. This guide is really for the middle to high school student range and only focuses on academic needs and support. The final product would be a booklet that contained my own experiences as a visually impaired student at SLA, a list of tools and materials visually impaired students could potentially be using and a description of how it works and how it's meant to be used, and then the actual listings of how teachers in each academic course could support the student if they should need it. The third section will be split into the three categories of visual impairment being low/near vision, visually impaired, and braille/legally blind. As for my process, admittingly, I took more of a simpler route in doing this project by just researching online for all the technical parts, and remembering my own experiences when I could have done a lot more by interviewing teachers to get their opinions or interviewing past year visually impaired students, etc. So really, all I’ve been really doing was research online, recollect, type, and communicating with my mentor.

I do not currently have the final product made yet, but I do have the information that will be on the final product. This is the lnk to the doc. (Note: I can't seem to paste a picture on here).

"Material Adaptations for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired." Teaching Students with Visual Impairments. By: Carmen Willings teaching visually Accessed January 27, 2019.

This website contains several methods to help visually impaired students participate in class. The have a section for large font papers, sensory learning, braille, accessible education materials, and much more. Some of the pages contain pros and cons about that particular method as well as when it can or should be used. However, all the pages contain information about it which will give me a lot of solutions to potential problems visually impaired students would have in the classroom.

McLaughlin, Rhonda. "Interview with Ms. Rhonda." Interview by Jason Lam. February 8, 2019.

This is an interview of my own visual impairment counselor, Ms. Rhonda. She is a counselor that works with many visually impaired students across the Philadelphia area. Each student of hers is different has different needs to complete school, and have different resources as well. This interview will help me find out and understand what other blind students need to complete a day of school as well as the resources they have access to to accommodate them.

Sprinkle, Kristi. "Home." Impact Of Visual Impairment On Development. By Sharon Nichols Accessed January 27, 2019.

This website contains more methods of participating in class for visually impaired students. It includes zoom in features for computer or laptop use in class, and it also has information on machines that can help the blind student such as a CCTV. For both of these features, it lists multiple types of each thing so if one does not suit the student as comfortably, they aren’t limited to just that one kind. This information will be helpful for possible solutions to potential problems in class for blind students.

"Welcome." Sage Vision Technology - Low Vision Product Supplier. Accessed April 29, 2019.

This is the website of the largest supplier of visual impairment electronics in Pennsylvania. They have many different types of tools visually impaired people use. This will help me create the list of technology that visually impaired students use at school and how they work.

Wyatt, Allen. "Booklet Printing in Word." Accessed April 30, 2019.

This website is a guide to making a booklet which is going to be my final product. I have no prior knowledge of making a booklet, so this website will be able to help learn how to make one.

Bea Gerber Capstone

Posted by Bea Gerber in CTE Senior Capstone· Ugworji/Shagin/Walker-Roberts· Wed on

For my capstone, Becca and I created WANDERING EYES, an interactive photography exhibition/fundraiser celebrating the work of refugee photographers who have gone through a ReFocus photography and media workshop in Lesvos, Greece during their wait for asylum. After traveling to Greece last summer as teaching artists for the workshops, Becca and I knew we needed more people to get a taste of the hands of experience we were lucky enough to have in order to give people a personal connection to a pressing crisis that often feels distant. For our exhibition, I wrote and designed large informational posters that lined the walls and gave viewers a look inside the refugee crisis and the situation in Lesvos, smaller directional signs to guide viewers through the experience, 8 detailed artists cards to connect viewers to the artists and their work, and postcards for sale and business cards distributed at the event. In addition, I edited together interviews of the teaching artists and artists found on the artist cards and put them into a website for a projection room at the end of the exhibition. I also managed our email and newsletter, handled poster distribution, and made connections with local businesses that supported our project and printed our photos and cards for a fraction of their original costs. I took on a lot for this project and lost a lot of sleep, but I learned so much about graphic design, networking, marketing, and my personal work ethic and I am more proud of this exhibit than anything I have ever done before. Over 100 people attended, and the feedback we received made it clear that we gave our community a better understanding of the conditions refugees face and the power of art amidst crisis, and raised hundreds of dollars for the workshops and helped show Americans what refugees are capable of.

This is the link to our Capstone folder. Inside are many folders and a lot of information but it is as organized as we could make it.

Below is the WANDERING EYES newsletter sent out a few days ago reflecting on the event.

Below are a few of my favorite posters from the exhibition.

Below are a few of the artist cards from the exhibition. On the front is information about the artist and on the back is one of their photos on display for the viewers to find in the gallery.

Below is one of the postcards we sold at the event. The first image is the front side of the postcard and is on of the 25 designs we sold. The second image is the back which was consistent for all of them.

Below is one of our 4 business card designs. The first image is the front and the second image is the back which was consistent for all of the designs.

Below are a few photos from the exhibition taken by Ms. Walker Roberts and Ruby Ginsburg.

Lastly, here is the link to the interview website. I am in the process of turning WANDERING EYES into a digital museum, but for now, the interviews can all be viewed online using the link below.

And the link to our bibliographies. The first link is to our bibliography from Capstone week and the second is the link to the sources used for information for our actual posters.

(I submitted this at 9, I just realized I forgot to add a few smaller things and some fo the pictures later)

Carolina Ortiz Capstone

Posted by Carolina Ortiz-Lugo in CTE Senior Capstone· Kamal/Ugworji/Shagin· Wed on

James Adams Capstone

Posted by James Adams in CTE Senior Capstone· Kamal/Ugworji/Shagin· Wed on

​For my capstone I decided to challenge myself by learning how to code through python, and through that create a project that could be used by others. My first goal throughout the capstone process was to gain a basic understanding of the python programming language. My main methods of learning was through books, Youtube tutorials, website tutorials, and the most helpful of them all was looking at the code of others.

I already kind of knew what I wanted my final project to be when I started the learning process. I wanted it to be an automated script or in other words a bot. I decided to make a Reddit Bot. The bot looks at a thread for comments containing the name of a song within curly brackets. It then will respond to the comment with a Spotify link that will instantly take you to the song on Spotify’s website.

"Automate The Boring Stuff With Python." N. p., 2019. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.

"PRAW: The Python Reddit API Wrapper — PRAW 6.1.2.Dev0 Documentation." N. p., 2019. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.

"Web API | Spotify For Developers." N. p., 2019. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.

"Spotify/Web-Api." GitHub. N. p., 2019. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.

"Python Education." N. p., 2019. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.

"Build A Reddit Bot Part 1 – Python For Engineers." N. p., 2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.

"How To Build A Reddit Bot – Chatbots Life." Chatbots Life. N. p., 2018. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.

"3.7.2 Documentation." N. p., 2019. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.

. "Intro To Python - Overiq.Com." N. p., 2018. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.

"Python Tutorials – Real Python." N. p., 2019. Web. 20 Feb. 2019.

James Klenk Capstone

Posted by James Klenk in CTE Senior Capstone· Kamal/Ugworji/Shagin· Wed on

​My Capstone is an electronic GPS device that is designed for a college student when they are on campus in case of a situation they have the choice to press a button on a keychain and when the press the button it allows campus security to know there location. I started this project to do two things, Learn how to code and to create something that could possible impacts a community in a positive way. I started this project know using the knowledge that I had on from sophom*ore year and I built off of that. I learned more about the different type of wifi shields and Arduino that are out there on the market that is being used for personal and professional uses. I also learned about different programming languages like C++ and how code interfaces with a different type of interfaces for data storage and collection. The reason that I decided to market my capstone to colleges student was based on my sister and the story she told me about her time at the temple and the different strategies that her sorority put in place to make sure that the people apart of the sorority were ok when they walked outside. I pitched my Idea for a capstone to Braskem to see if I could get money to make it into a reality, They gave me the money that I asked for and a Mentor. This allowed me to Make my capstone into a reality where I could test and market my product. Throughout my capstone, it came clear to me and my mentors that I was not an expert at understanding coding every well. Even with the trouble of still learning code I push thought with help with my mentor teaching me about reading the code and working through debugging different codes. While my capstone isn’t at the scope that I wanted I am satisfied with my results.

Annotated bibliography

"What Is Coding: The Complete Coding 101 Guide For Beginners." BitDegree Tutorials. August 30, 2018. Accessed January 25, 2019.

The website allowed me to refresh my knowledge about my coding and also allowed my process of writing code to become easy and also allowed me to become more knowledgeable when I am asking for help. This process will also help me with the orientation with the ability to have myself sound better when I presenting to my peer, teacher and professional in the fields.

"The Complete Guide To Creating A Captivating Professional Presentation." Ethos3 - A Presentation Design Agency. January 05, 2017. Accessed January 25, 2019.

This source is related to the presentation at the end of the quarter was this Is because I want one bracket to be good and professional so that I can get the money. this will allow me to accelerate my project to make it better and bring it to its full potential.

"Temple University." Crime Log. Accessed January 25, 2019.

this website allowed me to get information about the temple city and what they do, value and their process. This allowed me to get in contact with them in the future with there number and email so that I am able to be able to contact them in the future in the get the capstone money.

"Policing and Security." College of Nursing and Health Professions. Accessed January 25, 2019.

This source allows me to communicate with campus scarcity directly and that it allows me so if I receive the capstone money. I will have the ability to quickly send out the email and accelerate the project.

"University of Pennsylvania." Becoming Bureaucrats | Zachary W. Oberfield. Accessed January 25, 2019.

This source will allow me to excel my capstone if I get my funding and that I am if I do get funding I will send the college email and try to get them interested and follow what I am doing so that they will help me by allowing me to pass out the devices to students.

Editor. "How to Write a Perfect Professional Email in English in 5 Steps." EF English Live. January 15, 2019. Accessed January 25, 2019 . .

The source will allow me to sound and become more credible when it comes to writing the email to my capstone mentor and to colleges when I email them. this will also allow me to better persuade the colleges to help me or listen to me.

Arduino - Introduction. Accessed January 25, 2019.

this source is a direct source that directly affects my ability to code a wifi shield I have not done coding for this in two year and this will allow me to do a step by step walkthrough.

New to Arduino - Is a Computer Required ?? Accessed January 25, 2019.

This forum allowed me to ask questing when I was stuck powering up the wifi shield. because of this it also gave me information about coding the wifi sheild

"Adafruit WINC1500 WiFi Shield for Arduino." Memory Architectures | Memories of an Arduino | Adafruit Learning System. Accessed January 25, 2019.

this source adds more support when I was powering and coding the wifi shield. This is because coding is really complicated

"SparkFun WiFi Shield - ESP8266." Amazon. Accessed January 25, 2019. .

this allowed me to understand some pricing and also it allowed me to understand what I need to do for my capstone and that thought out this experience I need to have more of a clear understanding of the amount that thing cost and also how much it weight because it is supposed to be hanging off of the backpack

Sofia Powers Capstone

Posted by Sofia Powers in CTE Senior Capstone· Kamal/Ugworji/Shagin· Wed on

Growing up in the public school system, I noticed that studies became very compartmentalized and creative applications were specifically reserved for students in outside programs or who were pursuing a career entailing those applications. This continues to cause many students who are unaccustomed with creative expression to believe that they are not inherently creative and therefore cannot be creative, simply due to a lack of opportunity. My intention for my capstone was to refresh students with creative applications of building to increase confidence in student’s ideas and push them to think outside the box through fun building challenges. I created an initial survey to understand student’s notions about creativity and leadership. I then advertised for a club meeting by creating posters and hanging them in the school. I created a series of three prompts where teams of approximately 5 students had to work under time constraints and with limited household materials to build a tower, weight-bearing bridge, and ball transport system. The activities were designed to be fun and low stress, but engaged participants with their competitive side. I learned about the challenges of taking a coaching role versus my typical teammate role in encouraging and offering constructive but elusive feedback. I was able to improve my own creative skills by brainstorming possible solutions to decide appropriate materials for them to use. Each of these challenges pushed the participants to question traditional methods and instead search for loopholes.


Barras, Colin. “Future - Can You Learn to Be Creative?” BBC News. March 14, 2014. Accessed January 30, 2019. article analyses studies on teaching and learning creativity and takes the stance that creativity should be salvaged through teaching. Levels of creativity are being crushed in school age children due to to the increase of importance of standardized test scores and creativity is currently only being truly taught at a university level when it may be too late. This article explores nontraditional methods and courses that foster creativity as its importance re-emerges in the workforce. I will use these findings as a driving force in my own work to re-integrate creativity into the minds of young people.

Creative Competitions. Scoring for Spontaneous. PDF. Glassboro: Creative Competitions, Inc., 2010.This score sheet offers two categories: Creativity and Teamwork. The creativity score sheet specifies how to be elusive when stating the problem so one solution is not encouraged by the language of the problem. Although I will not be using numerical values to assess my club’s solutions, I can assess their creativity on this scale to offer feedback. The teamwork score sheet describes a range of optimal cooperation and collaboration to team domination and dissonance. This document will help me encourage good team dynamics and help me recognize issues within the group.

Destination Imagination. Four Free Instant Challenges. PDF. Cherry Hill: Destination Imagination, Inc., 2014.This source is intended for teams to use in preparation for the “instant challenge” portion of the competition. It offers four prompts, two of which are Hands-On and include materials, setup, and possible scoring. I will use these prompts as a basis for my own and especially the materials and setup to acquire their counterparts for my own original problems. These example problems spark my ability as they demonstrate extensions of very basic prompts, such as requiring that an otherwise basic tower must touch four separate taped off sections of floor. These give me a basis of steps I can take to make my own work more complex.

DiscoverDesign Staff. “Design Process.” DiscoverDesign. 2018. Accessed February 04, 2019. article explains the six steps of the engineering design process. It offers a short description of each step and basic applications. I will use this process to design the optimal solutions to my prompts. The most important part that is not included in Odyssey of the Mind style prompts is the final two steps of Feedback and Improve. This process will serve as a reminder to integrate those steps as they are important to SLA’s core values and curriculum and their integration will help students apply their skills.

Kouzes, James M., and Barry Z. Posner. The Leadership Challenge. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987.This source is a book demonstrating the five practices of leadership, those being Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart. The first chapter of this book focuses on two interviews that demonstrate struggles to lead and tactics that helped manage a group, one being Lindsay Levin of White’s Vehicle Repair and Ted Turner of Turner Broadcasting System. Levin’s exemplary leadership is characterized by gaining small successes as a team to build trust in the team, committing to teaching strategies to members, and recognizing success through awards. She also speaks of a technique of “zapping vs sapping,” where the leader boosts a member’s motivation by recognizing good work. Turner had success with leadership by encouraging risk-taking creativity and creating a company store to increase exclusivity and pride. While my project will be less run like a company and not commercial product driven, I will use these techniques on a small scale in running a club of members that must work as a team each meeting.

Llove. Hands-On Problem: The Strongest Link. PDF. Virginia: Odyssey of the Mind, 2006.This source offers an Odyssey of the Mind-style, hands-on, spontaneous problem involving two parts. They entails creating a chain on which a cup full of weights are held. This problem demonstrates the difficulty factor of having one time period to build and a second to alter or challenge the structure. I will use this problem as a basis to create two part problems where added complexities challenge teams after their initial build to extend their creativity. I can also use the model of a bridge-like problem as the underlying build challenge.

Mandel, Brett. “Coaching Spontaneous.” Interview by author. February 2019.The interviewee is my Odyssey of the Mind coach. He was a participant of the program in his youth and has been coaching Odyssey of the Mind for about a decade. I will use this interview to understand his experience coaching students who are high school aged in a problem solving context. I will ask questions about how to give constructive feedback during short creativity prompts and how to make sure students are listening to each other’s ideas. He will also have good ideas about where to get materials for hands-on problems.

Micklus, C. S., and Samuel W. Micklus. Lots of Problems, Many Solutions. Sewell, NJ: Creative Competitions, 2007.This book serves as an introduction to the Odyssey of the Mind program and offers many official verbal and hands-on spontaneous prompts. The introduction gives an overview of creative problem solving, and I will use these concepts to understand the basis and apply it to my club. I will use later chapters to base my original problems off of. The most useful piece of information this book offers is a detailed site setup, which is very important to solving the prompt.

Nelson, Robert. “Why It Is (Almost) Impossible to Teach Creativity.” The Conversation. January 09, 2019. Accessed January 31, 2019. article from an independent not-for-profit organization presents a controversial and cynical view on creativity to a wide and unspecified audience. It presents problem solving as a lesser application of creativity as problems serve as an anxious place. I will use this view to dispute the stressful or limited applications of creativity through making my problems have more than just one feasible solution. I will offer opportunity for creative growth by rewarding risk-taking even if a solution fails. This club is meant to become a space for students to exercise creativity, not to place a stressor on specific solutions.

Perkins, T., J. Otte, and S. Riggs. The “Unofficial” On-line Coaches’ Training. PPT. Glassboro: Odyssey of the Mind, 2013.This presentation begins to prep outsiders on how to coach teams specifically for the Odyssey of the Mind competition and season. It covers the principle of divergent vs convergent problem solving and promotes the concept that divergent problem solving allows students to take creative measures and calculated risks in their solution. The source also states the responsibility of the coach to lead by asking questions. I will use this technique when coaching my club,asking constructive questions to allow students to work among themselves without the guidance of concrete answers that would lead them un-creatively to the solution. The presentation also places an emphasis on only allowing constructive criticism between teammates, which is another sentiment I will utilize.

Nile Ward Capstone

Posted by Nile Ward in CTE Senior Capstone· Kamal/Ugworji/Shagin· Wed on



In collaboration with the SEPTA Youth Advisory Council, this project is the first iteration of gathering data and feedback based on students' concerns while traveling on SEPTA. The first step of the project was creating a survey that would help us gain enough information and insight into the experiences students have on SEPTA, and what can be done to improve or mitigate instances of inconvenience or disruption. Interestingly, while this survey was only sent to SLA students, it was apparent that students sent their friends outside of SLA this survey as well, as there were responses from Northeast High School. From my research, I learned that the issues that Philadelphia's youth face with transit are shared in other cities, revealing the challenges faced by transit planners and engineers in big cities. Overall, this project has helped me learn quite a lot about each students' daily experiences just traveling to and from school, and its relevance to city planning and city engineering challenges.

Science Leadership Academy @ Center City (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.